Skate Canada Fee
Our club is a proud member of Skate Canada and as a result, we are required to charge an annual fee for each registrant.
Every Skate Canada registrant is assigned a unique 10 character Skate Canada number and this number remains with the that person for his/her lifetime. If you are registering for the first time, a Skate Canada number will be generated for you during the registration process. Returning registrants should enter their original Skate Canada number at time of registration.
The home organization of a registrant is the Skate Canada club or skating school through which he/she registers with Skate Canada. A registrant may participate in programming at more than one club or skating school, but can only have one home organization per registration year and as a result, only pays the annual fee once. The first organization to enroll a registrant will be considered by Skate Canada as their home organization. A registrant may change his/her home organization after having enrolled with a club or skating school for the current registration year, subject to the provisions of the Skate Canada Home Organization Policy. Please consult the Skate Canada website for further details.
The Skate Canada fee charged by the club includes the Skate Canada registrant fee, participant accident insurance fee and safe sport fee. This fee is subject to change annually.